Hiya all,
Many people have allready checked out my web site and they say they like
what they see. Now with GP2 out I have updated the GP2 page to hold a
setup, hotlaps and reply area!!! All you have to do is send me your best
hotlaps, setups and replys along with your name, email address, time and
track. i will then put it on my web site as soon as possible. Also i may
be moving to UKOnline soon becuase they offer unlimited personal web space
so my site will become mega!!!! To find out more details check out my
page at http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Thank you,
*Check out my web page for loadsa links and
racing sim files! *
* GP2 hotlap, reply and setup area now!!! *
*Do it now : http://www.racesimcentral.net/; *