Whats the verdict on Test Drive 4?
Whats the verdict on Test Drive 4?
2 stars.
yea two stars, maybe 2 and a half
out of...say 20?<g>
Not a bad game using 3dfx card but hopeless controller support
(No support for Joystick B and no customisation options).
The game is pretty good but is well outgunned by NFS2-SE
NFS2-SE now represents an object lesson to all games
developers. It is absolutely perfect. (Even the controller support
is flawless).
Cheers John Cookson (Canada)
The replay feature is, IMHO, the BEST part of NFS2SE. The camera angles
are incredibly cinematic. Reminds me of the demos of Ridge Racer and San
Francisco Rush that you see in the arcades. Also, the actual textures used
for the tracks and cars in the 3dfx version (especially the shine effect of
the paint on the cars) blows TD4 out of the water. I've played both TD4
demos, and I won't buy the game unless someone tells me they've fixed the
touch controls problem. I use a joystick.