If you dload Allison's setups, and you use Winzip...this is all you need
to do:
double clik on the zip file....select extract...make sure the button for
'all files'
is cliked and make sure the box for 'use folder names' is checked.
then extract it to Sierra\gpl\player\your name.
Winzip will then put the individual setups in the correct sub-folder.
Thank Allison for doing even that little bit extra too!
dave henrie
(ps..I tried the Brabahm at Spa and Mosport..even with empty tanks
the car "feels' slow but I did manage to actually save a spin in progress
which is something I've had quite a bit of trouble with...so as always..
Thanks again to Alison[one Lor 2? I'm never sure})
>Hello D'ere,
>Two ***s (questions that is <g>).
>1. What is web address that I can go to in order to get Alison Brabham's
>2. (potentially dumber one!!) Once I've downloaded the setups, where do
>I install them i.e under which directory within GPL do I send them, and
>how do I access them once they have been transferred to the GPL
>directory? I have downloaded some setups from another site, but do not
>know where to install them to.:(
>Help......anyone..........pretty please....:)
>Thanks alot