>First, there are random screen freezes. For example, the dogleg at
>Lowes almost totally stops the game. I see 3 frames maybe through the
>whole thing. One second I am running fine, the next car is against the
>I have a celeron 400/128MB/Banshee which certainly is not state of
>the art but it should at least let me play the game. Instead my car
>randomly takes off for the wall. I thought it might be due to new
>physics but the game drops 10-20 frames easily per second when this
>happens. Also the random crashes seem to occur when loading tracks.
I think your Banshee is the problem; it's probably overheating.
Things to Try : Underclock the card a little; it'll run a lot cooler and
stable. And not with a major fps hit.Try www.voodooextreme.com for some
clocking utils. Next, go into the directX folder on the CD and find
the program DXDIAG and run all the tests and see if any fail. That might
point you in the right direction. I have a P400 with a V3 3000 and have
everything on and have no problems(seeing the backstrech from the
frontstrech is great!). My brother has a P233 with a DiamondV2 12m
and with everything turned on it gets a little choppy passing the pits
while all the other cars are still pitted, but nothing more.
Good luck, Mark Gums