> GPL should come with a warning label:
> WARNING: Installing and playing this game could result in muscle fatigue
> from inability to seperate yourself from your computer. It may also cause
> lack of sleep and problems with the quality of your family life.
> I know that GPL has sure taken over MY life. I'm curious if it has caused
> any relationships to fall apart. I know mine has come close a few times
> when the wife has gotten in the way of some good quality practice time.
> Anyone else?
Well, my ex actually respected my need to simrace, as long as I
respected her to do something as nutty at hillclimb. Sadly, other
matters didn't quite work out.
Hell, even my friends respect my need to simrace, I actually managed
to convince them that GPL league play is as serious as any other
amateur sport. And got ovations when I told I got 5th of 15 when I was
late for a birthday party to race the last race of the season. :)
Olav K. Malmin
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