> > What ? I don't really see the big impact of F1RS. It's a great sim, but
> it
> > certainly not have the Papyrus touch that they only can make.
> You probably wouldn't notice the impact on your body made by a speeding
> Mack truck.
> I suggest that you visit your nearest optometrist and get some glasses.
> Either that or visit Britain/Europe/Australia/New Zealand/Japan/South
> America (you know...those little bits of the world outside North America)
> and see how many people are running the sim in preference to GP2. Or even
> browse through the magazine reviews that have appeared since the sim was
> released.
> Bruce.
Speaking of reviews Bruce, did you see the one in PC Powerplay. The
reviewers sirname says it all - Wildgoose. Looks like a once great mag
is on the slide.
We are the Hosh! You will be assimilated! Lower your defences
and surrender! Your technological and biological distinctiveness
will be added to our own. Your culture will be adapted to
service us. Resistance is futile. Have a nice &*($ing day!