Once I have the delta_t(0,100Km/h) and the empty weight of the more
popular production cars, m, I know to calculate the average propulsion
force between 0 and 100Km/h from
F0_100= m (100/3,6) / delta_t(0,100Km/h)
I define the flatness of the torque curve by F0_100 / Fmax. A more flat
curve will have a greater F0_100 / Fmax.
How to calculate Fmax=f(MAX_TORQUE, GEAR)=m (dv/dt)max, where MAX_TORQUE
is in Kg*m and GEAR=1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5.
Does Fmax vary with the GEAR? How?
I have the feeling that Fmax decreases with higher GEAR, e.g., the Fmax
at 1st Gear is grater than the Fmax at 2nd Gear...is that correct?
Thank you for your help and attention.
Bye. Adeus! Senna would say Chau! Ciao!
Z Fonseca
Lisboa, Portugal.
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