>Everytime I log on I have to UPDATE whats with that????
>LAG Time is very bad and game play is like playing RUSSIN ROULET
>cars jumping every where (AND I MEAN EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!)
>Although I am In CANADA! But ten was great,but $30 a month(CADADIAN)
>(WISH I COULD AFFORD IT BUT I CAN`T like many others). HEAT IS FREE but
>still not worth it if u run a 33.6 like I do. ITs bad enough I pay $35
>taxes in for the net(per month). Combined that woud be $65 a month to run
First of all... calm down...
Secondly, the experience with Nascar2 in IPX is very bad. Warps. Latency.
Name it. And a limit of around 5drivers for a descent race (8 is _way_ to
If you still consider racing online with Nascar2, there is just no other
answers than the NROS. There you will find all the best virtual online
drivers in the world. Fact. Not on Kali/Heat/Mplayer/Zone. They are all
on the NROS. With less warp, less latency, full statistic and results, a
complete redesigned enabler (not the bad IPX protocol), up to 22 drivers
(going 25), and WITHOUT the warp or latency you get with 3 drivers on
Recheck http://www.nros.com/ and http://www.concentric.net/
Btw, you don't pay 65$ per month Canadian (Im also from Canada). I pay
exactly 19$ US for my Concentric ISP account (best ISP for the NROS, since
TEN is mostly made on a Concentric back-bone). And I get the bulk plan
from TEN, who is the same thing as the normal plan but you get 3months for
the Price of 2. That means 13$ US per month. So it goes to 32$ US per
month for NROS + ISP . How much is 32$ US in Canadian money ? (32*1.40 =
45$ per month). For this you get full unlimited and _fast_ internet services
(probably in the top5 best ISP in America) and also a full unlimited TEN
I just made you get a 30% Economy each month. At the end of the year now
you gained 240$, and that's enough to get a better wheel ;-) .Don't tell
me 45$ is too expensive... It's two 24beer packs <gggg
- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Member of the r.a.s. Ego-maniac club
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Excuse me for being provocative (I'm dumb speaking)
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--