hehe, i can see EA putting out a lot of patches for this game.
hehe, i can see EA putting out a lot of patches for this game.
>hehe, i can see EA putting out a lot of patches for this game.
>>>In terms of physics it seems to be capable of doing >okay with a patch
>>>or two.
>>hehe, i can see EA putting out a lot of patches for this game.
ORSA Bronze #78 Navy Dodge truck
>>>>In terms of physics it seems to be capable of doing >okay with a patch
>>>>or two.
>>>hehe, i can see EA putting out a lot of patches for this game.
> You had me there for a sec'. Thought maybe you actually BELEIVED
>patch it! Glad to see you're still somewhat coherent...
>ORSA Bronze #78 Navy Dodge truck
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ORSA Bronze #78 Navy Dodge truck
> Excellent point, Dave. Then they'll have to REDUCE the amount of their
>obstruction, eh? NR99 doesn't have the same problem (because there's not
>much obstruction?). If they'll put out a patch for it I'll get it.
>Otherwise, guess I've talked myself into waiting... too bad... demo looked
>SOOOO good....
I bought it because its only 39$ and I wanted to see what everyone was
complaining about. It is about like a cross between NASCAR 2 and NFS3. If
I just want to bang around, I can have fun with it. I use the bumper cam
and theres no slowdown at all, even with a full field. I have spent 39$ on
things that I enjoyed less, that's for sure. It isn't going to replace
N1999 in my racing sim/game stable, but I'm glad I bought it nonetheless.
I have different sims for different moods. I like GPL for the same reasons
other people like it, I like VR for its own reasons, I like Powerslide, etc.
I even enjoy NFS3 and MTM2 for what they are. I think Nascar Revolution is
going to make its target audience very happy.
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