Rally Drivability...


Rally Drivability...

by Jay » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I've been playing around with the RC2000 demo (#2) and frankly, while it's
visually stunning, the dammed thing is too hard to drive. It's just WAY to
sensitive! The least little bit of wheel movement, and the car is all over
the place... :-(

Now don't get me wrong... I enjoy a challenging SIM, like GPL, SCGT, etc,
etc... But I normally don't have the spare time to tweak a games setups in
order to make it competitive.

And I also don't normally have hours and hours to spend LEARNING a game/sim.

Instead I enjoy something that I can sit down at, and have fun for
15-30min's when I get home from work in the evening to unwind.

That's one thing I've always enjoyed about CMR, it may not be the most
accurate, or the most visually stunning sim/game out there, but I can jump
into a car, and be able to have fun, right away!

And, that doesn't mean sim's/games should be too easy, or simple, but they
shouldn't be frustrating the way the touchy car control of RC2000 is....

Does anyone know if the real game, or if the patch for the full game is this
sensitive? I'd like to check it out, but have heard that Codemasters is
coming out with CMR2, and that Ubisoft (I believe?) is coming out with a
Rally Game/Sim. Also I've seen ad's for Sega Rally 2, and wonder if perhaps
I shouldn't hold off, and wait for one of these Rally games/sims to hit the
market instead of purchasing RC2000 now....

I know this was kinda long winded, but would love to hear others impressions
about the full version of RC2000, with regards to steering/driveability.

Jay J

Ken Ston

Rally Drivability...

by Ken Ston » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It's this which still manages to make Colin McRae Rally one of the
most enjoyable racing simulators, in my humble opinion. It caters for
the harcore sim fan, as well as the casual gamer. I hope we'll see the
same sort of things in Colin McRae Rally 2.

Any released date on that, anyone?

I certainly won't be buying the full product. It's pants!

Keep clear of Sega Rally 2. They're both cack!

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- ICQ #53954494

Douglas Elliso

Rally Drivability...

by Douglas Elliso » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

OK here we go AGAIN

> I've been playing around with the RC2000 demo (#2) and frankly, while it's
> visually stunning, the dammed thing is too hard to drive. It's just WAY to
> sensitive! The least little bit of wheel movement, and the car is all over
> the place... :-(

IF you're using an MSFF then make a profile that has dead zone for
steering set up as high as it will go - that's the steering sorted out.

If you enjoy the challenge of GPL, you must by definition have spent
HOURS AND HOURS driving it...but hey - whatever you say.

Just what I did with RC2K today.

Same for me with TOCA 2

Only in the demo is the steering that sensitive. It's mouronic for Mag.
Fields to not have distributed a proper demo yet.!

Maybe you should just hold off until 2109 when the technology is there
for a surround sound / surround vision, 6 axis actuated simulator to be
in every home, then buy the latest game then! Frankly, RC2K is very
frustrating, but I still love it. The steering DOES improve with the
proper version---those who say otherwise havn't tried to turn it down,
and clearly just don't like the game, yet refuse to admit it up

See my long-long-long post re: RS2K Sim/Arcade/GAME


Karl Branki

Rally Drivability...

by Karl Branki » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Douglas, I've setupa profile for the MSFF with a large steering deadzone but
what about in-game adjustments ?
i.e.under player 1 details steering sensitivity and upper and lower dzs.
What about steering sensitivity slow - fast in the garage set-up ?
Finally what setting do you use in the control panel for force strenth and
return to centre ?

I really want to give this game a chance it has a lot of plus points. If the
control and therefore the handling can be tweaked then it will be great. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.