It is proposed that the following newsgroups be created to reduce
bandwidth and allow easier filtering of subjects.
Okay, a bit of fun. But seriously. As so much of this group has
degenerated into the above, isn't it about time to go the way of other
newsgroups and divide into several groups devoted to certain themes.
For example: (player) (would remain for MISC posts)
One criticism of the approach suggested above is that groups devoted
to specific programs die a death some months after the software is
released. However, we are still talking about GP2 (even GP3 now) in
large numbers so that can't be justified. Also, although a lot of us
probably like to listen in general to the whole group, I for one could
do without the INDY and MULTI stuff (valid to many others though they
are). I reckon a lot of other people might agree (with different
preferences of course). Most good newsreaders do have filtering but
the headers used here are just too varied to be filterable. People
will x-post, yes, but also, those who genuinely want to talk about
(for instance) multi-player stuff would know where the biggest
like-minded audience is to be found.
Anyway, I propose to test the water by offering an informal vote to
the group. Send a blank email (header only) to the appropriate
address below if you wish your voice to be heard amongst this din.
A) Those in favour IN PRINCIPLE (subject to further discussion) of the
B) and those of us who are HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY with the current SOA and
No, this is not a troll of any kind. I am not operating a mailing list
or spam operation or anything. I have previously posted over the last
yes I did post a to a couple of threads in a manner that merely caused
more wasted bandwidth. Sorry, OK? I definitely do not seek, want or
desire to be our glorious LEADER (believe me that is the last thing on
my mind after the last ten days on RAS). I merely want to read posts
about one of my hobbies in peace and quiet. I think that we might be
a touch more disciplined with specific groups than we are at the
I'll let the votes build up until Sunday night and post the results
(After the GP and Nascar races!). If you don't want your email address
shown in the votes summary then say so in your vote and I'll censor
the address part of it.
** Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spammers **