You need to forward UDP/32766-32786 (maybe more, I'm not sure
what happens if you have many clients that keep connecting and
disconnecting. You need one port for active client, but I'm not
sure how the ports are reused for disconnected clients.
That forwarding is in "port forwarding" tab (surprise, surprise).
Watch out that it is UDP, not TCP. In the port forwarding you need
to specify to which IP forward requests to this ports. This has
to be the address of your GPL machine which may change if you use
DHCP. To avoid this problem, set static IP on GPL server machine
(for example, and define your forwarding rules for
this address. Leave DHCP enabled for your other computers on the
network, but exlcude from DHCP allocated range.
In your software firewall allow GPL to accept incoming UDP
connections on the same ports (32766-...).
This will allow you to host. You don't need DMZ (and it's safe
not to be in DMZ anyway) for that.
Whether the pings in VROC will show
up or not I am not sure. Further, I'm on thin ice. Some ISP block
ICMP packets to end users, in which case there's no solution. In
this case you won't get pings even if you host without router. If
it's not the case, that means the router blocks ICMP. To solve it
you'd need to enable "forward ICMP packets to 192.168.100", but the
problem is that I don't see such an option in setup of my router.
Maybe other models are different. But in any case, you don't really
need to have pings working for successful hosting.