forum at RSC earlier today, but for those of you who missed it there
were three main points:
1) Several people (eg Douglas Ellison in the thread here) have said
things along the lines of "I'd like to say something, but for legal
reasons I can't". While even this much is better than the total
silence we often get, we need more. Someone, somewhere, *must* have
the right to talk, and that person or entity ought to get on with it
- if the legalities are this difficult will we ever see the finished
2) It might have been better not to have made any official or semi-
official announcement of WSC at all. If it had remained a rumour,
even a strong one, then we'd have had less cause to complain if it
never appeared: as it is, we feel desperately cheated.
3) Who's to say WSC is going to have the sportscar market to itself
for ever? Let's say it comes out in 2005 - by then sportscar racing
might have become wildly popular on PC, in the same way that rallying
has done, and there could be good sportscar games from (let's say) EA
and Sierra. If that happens, who needs WSC? They can't afford to stay
bogged down in legal argument forever, or events will overtake them
and they'll simply be an irrelevance.
I also suggested (tongue more-or-less in cheek) two ways for us
outsiders to proceed:
1) Wait for Racer to be so good that we can use that instead;
2) Inflame the current WSC-related legal arguments so's it ends up in
court. When it's a judge asking the questions, you either answer or
you get banged up for contempt ;-)
PS: No, we are not going to stop complaining. You've brought it on
yourselves. If and when WSC is released, and if it's as good as has
been promised, we'll all be guzzling down our words - tell then, we
reserve our rights to whinge.
England 1 Argentina 0! Yyyyeeeessssss! :-D
England 3 Denmark 0! Also Yyyyeeeessssss! :-D
The GPL Scrapyard: