Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

Daxe Rexfor

Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Daxe Rexfor » Wed, 29 Dec 1999 04:00:00


    Since the end of the world (also known as 1/1/00) is quickly
approaching, I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the government
was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open with a

    What was this guy's name?  Rick at Connect Dot Com or something like
that?  I wonder if he will be stopping in to pay us a final visit and chide
us for our ignorance before his big apocalypse arrives.

    Anyone here planning to do anything special or interesting for the
changeover?  I am going to sit in front of my TV with my spouse and
by-product and dogs and point my camcorder (with the date and time
displayed) at us so when they dig up whats left of the old world in a few
thousand years they will have a videotaped record of the last few hours of
humankind as we know it.


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Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by A.Ingra » Wed, 29 Dec 1999 04:00:00

That was funny...400 foot christ...ROTFLOL!

> >...I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
> >telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the
> >was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
> >living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open
with a
> >rock.

> Bwahahaha! That paranoid nutcase was a riot, wasn't he? He's probably
> hiding out in the country somewhere with a cabin full of guns and
> black-eyed peas. Twenty years from now someone will find him and he'll
> be known as "that 20th century guy". ;-)

> >    Anyone here planning to do anything special or interesting for the
> >changeover?  I am going to sit in front of my TV with my spouse and
> >by-product and dogs and point my camcorder (with the date and time
> >displayed) at us so when they dig up whats left of the old world in a few
> >thousand years they will have a videotaped record of the last few hours
> >humankind as we know it.

> Yeah, I can't wait to see the replay of a 400-foot Christ rising out
> of the night to crush us all!

> Joe McGinn
> _________________________
> GA-Sports Writer


Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Joe6 » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>...I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
>telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the government
>was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
>living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open with a

Bwahahaha! That paranoid nutcase was a riot, wasn't he? He's probably
hiding out in the country somewhere with a cabin full of guns and
black-eyed peas. Twenty years from now someone will find him and he'll
be known as "that 20th century guy". ;-)

Yeah, I can't wait to see the replay of a 400-foot Christ rising out
of the night to crush us all!

Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer


Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Eldre » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00


>    Since the end of the world (also known as 1/1/00) is quickly
>approaching, I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
>telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the government
>was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
>living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open with a

Well, I *did* buy a manual can opener...<g>

By-product?  That's the strangest 'name' for kids that I've ever heard.  Funny,

Although I bought some supplies, I didn't waste money on things I'd never use.
Meaning, I got more canned goods, paper products, bottled water - but I didn't
buy anything like a generator or whatever.  Hey, if everything goes perfectly,
I can STILL use the canned goods, etc.


Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Woodie » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>    Since the end of the world (also known as 1/1/00) is quickly
>approaching, I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
>telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the government
>was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
>living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open with a

Probably the same asswipe who was crying two weeks ago about Dave Noonan being
a jerk because he hadn't done anything recently.  Hey, ***!  Maybe he spent
the last six months working on something wonderfull and it's just not out yet.

Don McCorkle


Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Pete » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

    Rick, moved into his underground bunker, former missle silo I
believe  a week ago. It is out in the wilds of Texas somewhere
and he expects to be the worlds' wealthiest man when he comes out! :-)
    He has been hording beans for years and if he doesn't gas himself
he may have cornered the world market in them! :-)



Goy Larse

Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Goy Larse » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> Y'know,

>     Since the end of the world (also known as 1/1/00) is quickly
> approaching, I wonder where that fellow is who was around here a while back
> telling us that we wouldn't be getting any new sims because the government
> was going to draft all the programmers and that we were all going to be
> living in cardboard boxes eating cold beans from a can we had to open with a
> rock.

>     What was this guy's name?  Rick at Connect Dot Com or something like
> that?  I wonder if he will be stopping in to pay us a final visit and chide
> us for our ignorance before his big apocalypse arrives.

He kept on posting over at the NG's up until recently, the
reason he left this place was that someone, I think it was Richard
Carver (where have you gone Rich ? :-) btw, and since this NG *has* a
charter, he was in violation of his ISP's rules with his OT postings and
consequently he had to leave....that's what he said in another post
anyway, 2 days to go and there will be no more speculations :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Richard Walke

Where's Rick DotConnect whatever?

by Richard Walke » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

One of Rick's personalities may be in a bunker, but the rest of them are no
doubt stirring things up like usual. Anyone who can post to r.a.s about:

"the internet will be a pre-collapse memory at best, given the sad state of
other telco's compliance status"

on the same day that he posts to

"Third, I became a recovering doombrooder since the theoretical JoAnn
effects that were supposed to take effect on 1/1/99 sort of fizzled out.  I
'believed' several doomsayers on this issue instead of relying on concrete
evidence.  There is no track record left for which to rely on, only

Is clearly either seriously deranged or a complete jerk. Kill file him.

Take his own advice: go with the evidence, ignore the doomsayers - himself

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