released, I borrowed my PII 400 from work for the weekend, stuck in my
Voodoo2 and loaded GPL. All detail, maximum sounds, 19 cars and I get 36 fps
except at the start. Everything is sooooo much easier! I actually feel as if
I can race the car. Even my crappy wheel/pedals are less of a problem. I
don't think all of this is down to the frame rate, I can brake much later
too. I suspect that if the processor is overloaded it screws up the handling
of the driver inputs. Anyway, it amounts to a whole new learning curve,
albeit rather less steep than the one I've been trying to climb.
So my definitive answer to all the questions about "What hardware do I need
to run GPL" is that you can spectate using low-spec hardware but if you want
to really know what the game is about you need the fastest you can get your
hands on.
Tony Whitley
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