:>God help Microprose, they are a
:>mainly UK company and they decide to bring the game out in another
:>country first, WHY???
:>Maybe John Wallace may have the answer to this question
:Believe it or not, Germany was the biggest and most loyal customer for
:F1GP. Simply taking care of previous customers seems to be the reason
:(although it may be to do with a deal with German distributors).
:Whatever it may be, one thing that it certainly is - history. There's no
:point in complaining about it now, and I'm not going to lose any sleep
:over it. It'd be great to have the shrink-wrap of GP2 now, but it's only
:three more days (two now!). We've waited for (heck, is it THAT
:long??!?), we can wait for two days.
Oh, that's easy for you to say, you've been playing the beta, moan,
gripe, complain.
:PS - If anyone has got this far and is about to hit their reply button
:and say "Oh, that's easy for you to say, you've been playing the beta,
:moan, gripe, complain", well, you're too predictable ;)