>I know that this might not be the right ng, but here's the question anyway.
>Does anyone know about any Formula 1 DVD's? A DVD covering each F1 season
>would be great?
There are three places to check that I'd recommend: www.reel.com
(Hollywood video's online equivalent); www.amazon.com (I'm sure you've heard
of THEM); www.netflix.com (online rental of virtually EVERY DVD ever).
Netflix is a monthly service - for $16 a month you can "rent" 4 movies
that you return whenever you want. If you don't "rent" 4 movies in a month,
they roll over to the next month and so on. You can build up a list of
movies you want to watch. They only let you have 4 at a time "checked out,"
but as you return them, they send you the next one on your list.
'Course, Netflix won't do you any good if you want to BUY it.