Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

Andrew Turne

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Andrew Turne » Thu, 08 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Tim Vanhee wrote in an earlier post:


I'm not trying to offend you at all (I even asked this same question
This question is asked several times a week.
Could anybody start a FAQ site for GPL where questions like flickering
mirrors, enableing FF,... all sorts of gpl related problems can be
Or does it exist?


I think it would be a great idea to start a "utility" faq for each
sim.... not a gameplay faq, as there are plenty of those, but faqs to
answer "utility" questions such as "how can I fix this" or "where can I
get more cars for..."

What I think we need is:

1) someone to volunteer to host the faqs

2) recommendations for existing faqs we can pick up on

3) maybe we can post known fixes with distinct titles to this group,
such as:


so that the people managing the faqs would be able to pick up on them

My two cents. Hey! Where the hell is the "cents" symbol?


Don Scurlo

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Don Scurlo » Thu, 08 Jun 2000 04:00:00

What an excellent idea! I vote for Andrew and Tim to be the official
r.a.s. FAQ writers. We would all be deeply indebted to you.
Seriously, everybody knows we need one, it's a matter of somebody
deciding to do it. I think there used to be a regulary posted faq on
ras, but it obviously hasn't been around for a while.

Don Scurlock

Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site


Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by GTX_SlotCa » Thu, 08 Jun 2000 04:00:00

If you need a place for it I'll volunteer the space and a menu for it, but I
don't have the time to do the actual faq.


Tweaks & Reviews

> What an excellent idea! I vote for Andrew and Tim to be the official
> r.a.s. FAQ writers. We would all be deeply indebted to you.
> Seriously, everybody knows we need one, it's a matter of somebody
> deciding to do it. I think there used to be a regulary posted faq on
> ras, but it obviously hasn't been around for a while.

> >Tim Vanhee wrote in an earlier post:

> >*******************

> >I'm not trying to offend you at all (I even asked this same question
> >here
> >once).
> >This question is asked several times a week.
> >Could anybody start a FAQ site for GPL where questions like
> >flickering mirrors, enableing FF,... all sorts of gpl related
> >problems can be answered?
> >Or does it exist?

> >*******************

> >I think it would be a great idea to start a "utility" faq for each
> >sim.... not a gameplay faq, as there are plenty of those, but faqs
> >to answer "utility" questions such as "how can I fix this" or "where
> >can I get more cars for..."

> >What I think we need is:

> >1) someone to volunteer to host the faqs

> >2) recommendations for existing faqs we can pick up on

> >3) maybe we can post known fixes with distinct titles to this group,
> >such as:


> >so that the people managing the faqs would be able to pick up on
> >them quickly.

> >My two cents. Hey! Where the hell is the "cents" symbol?

> >Andrew

> --
> Don Scurlock
> Vancouver,B.C.

> Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Liutger Franze

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Liutger Franze » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

there is FAQ for r.a.s., but it was last modified on 28th of march 1999.
you can fid it at:

I tried to contact the former maintainer Michael E. Carver and
volunteered to continue the FAQ but I did not get a reply.

then there is a GPL-FAQ maintained by Alison Hine, including a hardware
and online section. you can find this at:

I'd rather say that these questions should be covered by the r.a.s. FAQ.

if there is someone who offers the webspace, I'd volunteer to continue
the maintainance of the r.a.s. FAQ.



Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Nei » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I agree absolutely that this would be a great thing to do, and it is
something that I had been wondering about putting on my recently-built
GPL website.  I think that it would fit into my site quite well, as I've
already tried to put up some hardware recommendations (eg get a Voodoo 3
if you want the least hassles.....).  I'm happy to start compiling some
information, but input from others would be helpful as I obviously have
not used every trick in the book!  I'll start doing a FAQ for the tricks
that I have used, and the others that I know about, in the next few
days.  You can check out the site as it stands at:

And email me at :

> What an excellent idea! I vote for Andrew and Tim to be the official
> r.a.s. FAQ writers. We would all be deeply indebted to you.
> Seriously, everybody knows we need one, it's a matter of somebody
> deciding to do it. I think there used to be a regulary posted faq on
> ras, but it obviously hasn't been around for a while.

> >Tim Vanhee wrote in an earlier post:

> >*******************

> >I'm not trying to offend you at all (I even asked this same question
> >here
> >once).
> >This question is asked several times a week.
> >Could anybody start a FAQ site for GPL where questions like
> >flickering mirrors, enableing FF,... all sorts of gpl related
> >problems can be answered?
> >Or does it exist?

> >*******************

> >I think it would be a great idea to start a "utility" faq for each
> >sim.... not a gameplay faq, as there are plenty of those, but faqs
> >to answer "utility" questions such as "how can I fix this" or "where
> >can I get more cars for..."

> >What I think we need is:

> >1) someone to volunteer to host the faqs

> >2) recommendations for existing faqs we can pick up on

> >3) maybe we can post known fixes with distinct titles to this group,
> >such as:


> >so that the people managing the faqs would be able to pick up on
> >them quickly.

> >My two cents. Hey! Where the hell is the "cents" symbol?

> >Andrew

> --
> Don Scurlock
> Vancouver,B.C.

> Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Tim Vanhe

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Tim Vanhe » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

We don't need a FAQ for RAS, we need a FAQ for the technical (not the
gameplay) aspect of sims.

Don Scurlo

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Don Scurlo » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

In a previous post I believe Slot made an offer of space.

Don Scurlock
GPLRank -1.90

Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Liutger Franze

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Liutger Franze » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

as far as I understood FAQs for newsgroups, they include the most common
questions asked in the newsgroup. and in this NG, a lot of them deal
with technical problems, so a r.a.s. FAQ could cover this. just my 2
cents though ...


Andrew Turne

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Andrew Turne » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Hi Lio,

Technically, if there is an "r.a.s. FAQ", it covers the operation and use
of this newsgroup, not the operation and use of the programs discussed..

Besides, I think we would need a separate FAQ for each sim anyway.

My 3 cents (saw your 2 and raised you 1)


> > We don't need a FAQ for RAS, we need a FAQ for the technical (not the
> > gameplay) aspect of sims.

> as far as I understood FAQs for newsgroups, they include the most common
> questions asked in the newsgroup. and in this NG, a lot of them deal
> with technical problems, so a r.a.s. FAQ could cover this. just my 2
> cents though ...

> Lio

Michael E. Carve

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

% > We don't need a FAQ for RAS, we need a FAQ for the technical (not the
% > gameplay) aspect of sims.

% as far as I understood FAQs for newsgroups, they include the most common
% questions asked in the newsgroup. and in this NG, a lot of them deal
% with technical problems, so a r.a.s. FAQ could cover this. just my 2
% cents though ...

2 cents......  

Some newsgroups do get the same questions over and over again.  r.a.s.
does as well, but they tend to be "game" specific and not r.a.s.
specific.  Therefore, we need r.a.s FAQ's for each heavily discussed
"game".  In the past there were unofficial FAQ's for f1rs gp2 n2 gpl
which I posted on a regular basis.  However, as I had to take the
trouble to check these unofficial FAQs for updates and then re-edit them
for posting to r.a.s. I soon ran out of time.  I was even 'clobbered' by
one of the faq authors for posting it to r.a.s (they wanted the web site
traffic) and didn't want it posted to r.a.s.  I even got hate mail from
folks who thought I was spamming because they kept getting the faq over
and over again. <G>

In order to keep the work load down for FAQ maintainer(s) it is best to
have several specific faqs...

r.a.s. general introduction FAQ (what is r.a.s.)
r.a.s. controller FAQ
r.a.s. general hardware FAQ (video cards, MB, CPU's for optimizing sim
r.a.s. GPL FAQ
r.a.s. F12k FAQ
r.a.s. N3 FAQ
r.a.s. GP3 FAQ
r.a.s. SCGT FAQ
r.a.s. DTR FAQ
r.a.s. game of the week FAQ

this way as sims come and go in popularity one general FAQ does not have
to be maintained.  Nor does an individual have to wade through one huge
FAQ to find the information the seek.

The other alternative is for there to be links to game specific FAQ's in
the one general introduction FAQ.

There are official FAQs and unofficial FAQs.  Official FAQs must be
registered as well as the FAQ maintainer.

After all of the effort, only 1 out of a 100 posters will read the FAQ
before posting their question......

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Don Scurlo

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Don Scurlo » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I think this is the way to go. One small, daily, post containing
nothing but links.(is it possible to automate a daily posting?) That
way we can just direct questions to the links, if people haven't clued
into it on there own. And I will happily leap down the throat of anyone
who considers the daily post spam, as it would be nothing compared to
the questions that get repeatedly asked and answered here.

Don Scurlock
GPLRank -1.90

Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Andrew Turne

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Andrew Turne » Fri, 09 Jun 2000 04:00:00

It may be a little too much to update ia general faq daily; I think an
introduction faq would be helpful, though I envision someone asking for
help for a specific problem, and then being directed o a page which lists
links for that program, instead of being directed to a general faq they
may not need anyway, skipping over it, and simply linking to their desired
"area of knowledge".

When I first came to this group, there is no doubt I asked questions which
had been answered a million times (and still do!).. I personally would not
have scoured the group expecting to find a general faq. I lurked a little
bit, but once I had questions, I asked - and got good answers, some of
which pointed to sites and some of which answered the questions directly.

I think it's possible a lot of people only look for this group once they
experience some sort of trouble.

Whew! good thing you don't have to hold your breath while typing.


> >The other alternative is for there to be links to game specific FAQ's
> >in the one general introduction FAQ.

> I think this is the way to go. One small, daily, post containing
> nothing but links.(is it possible to automate a daily posting?) That
> way we can just direct questions to the links, if people haven't clued
> into it on there own. And I will happily leap down the throat of anyone
> who considers the daily post spam, as it would be nothing compared to
> the questions that get repeatedly asked and answered here.

> --
> Don Scurlock
> Vancouver,B.C.
> GPLRank -1.90

> Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Don Scurlo

Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Don Scurlo » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I'm not suggesting you update it daily, I'm suggesting that the same
post be posted daily to the group. And that post would be nothing but
a list of urls to specific FAQs. Title it "Do You Need Help ? READ

>> >The other alternative is for there to be links to game specific
>> >FAQ's in the one general introduction FAQ.

>> I think this is the way to go. One small, daily, post containing
>> nothing but links.(is it possible to automate a daily posting?)
>> That way we can just direct questions to the links, if people
>> haven't clued into it on there own. And I will happily leap down
>> the throat of anyone who considers the daily post spam, as it
>> would be nothing compared to the questions that get repeatedly
>> asked and answered here.

>> --
>> Don Scurlock
>> Vancouver,B.C.
>> GPLRank -1.90

>> Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site

Don Scurlock
GPLRank -1.90

Come see how you rate, at the GPLRank site


Yes, let's start Utility Faqs...

by Turne » Sat, 10 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Hi Don,

Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt anyone! I think I'm with you on this


> I'm suggesting that the same
> post be posted daily to the group. And that post would be nothing but
> a list of urls to specific FAQs. Title it "Do You Need Help ? READ
> ME!" is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.