reasonable price? The only place I can find is where it's
$40 which seems steep to me at this late date. Thanks in advance for
any info.
Brook Halvorson
Brook Halvorson
I hope you mean GP2 by Microprose. I'll check around me and probably it's
still available.
How much are you going to pay ?
>>Hey everyone! Is there anywhere that still sells GPII? And maybe for a
>>reasonable price? The only place I can find is where it's
>>$40 which seems steep to me at this late date. Thanks in advance for
>>any info.
>>Brook Halvorson
>> Hey everyone! Is there anywhere that still sells GPII? And maybe for a
>> reasonable price? The only place I can find is where it's
>> $40 which seems steep to me at this late date. Thanks in advance for
>> any info.
>GP2 was withdrawn from the market some time ago, I think the licence
>ageement ran out! Still rated as the best modern F1 sim, evan if the
>graphics are getting a bit dated. Secondhand stores are your best bet or
>advertise for a copy on RAS...... price's are going up! It would take big
>bucks to prise mine away from me ;-)
>Jammer (UK)