but here it just causes me to reach for the delete key. Certainly your
mentors didn't intend for you to write letters home to mommy in that
same broken fashion. If the hyphens serve a useful purpose in your
profession, by all means continue to do so for your work. I find it
jarring and difficult to follow. By the time I scanned the second such
message, I decided it wasn't worth the extra effort to follow the broken
cadence. I delete them habitually now; the value of your thoughts and
insights are lost behind the presentation.
> I used to be a text writer for advertising copy for both television
> and radio broadcast.
> Those dashes becase a way for me to say what I was thinking without
> the commas.
> I find the pront on MY computer in these newsgroups a bit small,
> plus, I am in the habit of the dashes to signify pauses in both the
> text, and in the syntax of the statement.
> I am sorry some prople take offense to my style of writing.
> I was trained professionally for a specific type of writing style
> and it has suited my needs quite well --------- thank you !!
> Perhaps if THAT was the only thing that was causing controversy in
> this newsgroup, I would have reasonto be concerned, but there a
> numerous reports from people with a myriad of problems, solutions,
> questions, and answers that are posted here on a daily basis.
> Perhaps if we were to concentrate on solutions, rather than
> nitpicking and becoming more of a "ostrich" ----- "head in the sand"
> attitude, we would be more able to assist those who need it, rather
> than poke fun at someone or something we don't understand.
> I have always believed in finding solutions to problems ---------
> not being "eyes-wide-shut" and being a yet another rung in the ladder
> of the problems.
> Lets act grown up here ------ if that is possible .
> Doug