Upgrade question


Upgrade question

by Scot » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

OK, I've decided to upgrade to a BX motherboard and P2 chip.  I need to
decid on a base video card now.  I'm thinking on getting a Thriller3D, which
comes in a PCI version and a AGP version.  Is AGP, *that* much better then
PCI?  Have there been any kind of conflicts with AGP video cards?  I figured
that since my new mobo is going to have a AGP slot in it, I should probably
use it right?  And what's the deal with this 1x AGP and 2x AGP I've been
Neil Yeatma

Upgrade question

by Neil Yeatma » Sun, 04 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> OK, I've decided to upgrade to a BX motherboard and P2 chip.  I need to
> decid on a base video card now.  I'm thinking on getting a Thriller3D, which
> comes in a PCI version and a AGP version.  Is AGP, *that* much better then
> PCI?  Have there been any kind of conflicts with AGP video cards?  I figured
> that since my new mobo is going to have a AGP slot in it, I should probably
> use it right?  And what's the deal with this 1x AGP and 2x AGP I've been
> seeing?

With the Rendition cards I don't think AGP buys you much other than
keeping a PCI slot free (for more PCI cards).  The chipset is AGP 1.0
and will never be AGP 2.0 compliant...AGP 2.0 lets you transfer
textures to system memory, reducing texture thrashing, but not all
chipsets support's not available with the Voodoo chipset

An 8 meg Thriller (rather than 4 meg) will cut down on texture
thrashing.  So if you anticipate running short on PCI slots (think
about network cards for cable modems, new sounds cards, Voodoo SLI)
then by all means go with an AGP card.


Neil Yeatman          
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