so, this mean nobody is running thisafter I waited for it to download from
one of the mirrors I noted and emailed to myself at home?
dag nab it...
so, this mean nobody is running thisafter I waited for it to download from
one of the mirrors I noted and emailed to myself at home?
dag nab it...
dag nab it.."
There is an install bug and it was removed until fixed.
now that java-vroc thing, it was disconcertingly slow to load, but it
worked, too I saw some races going on overseas... but then again I was dumb
enough to read the instructions on that one as well, as I installed it.
Tiny Lund enlightened us with:
> There is an install bug and it was removed until fixed.
>> the website (on the download link) says there was a problem...
>> so, this mean nobody is running thisafter I waited for it to
>> download from one of the mirrors I noted and emailed to myself at
>> home? dag nab it...