> I guess if you post an "off-topic" question....you get to put up with
> "off-topic" replies?
> David.....
> This is exactly how this kind of untruth, crap......gets spread around. You
> haven't got a clue what you are talking about....but its probably not your
> fault. You probably read someone's post....somewhere else......without a
> clue......ask about some "lawsuit" on VROC....and assumed the person knew
> what the hell they were talking about. So.....just like the person who
> would read your question above today.......and goes to say......the "RSDG
> Forums" or something similar...... and makes a post like this: "Tom Pabst
> threatens everyone on VROC with a lawsuit!" .....because he read your
> ridiculous question here on RAS.....you are both clueless. No foundation of
> fact exists....in either case. Does it? If it does, perhaps you should
> take the responsibility to reference it when you make stupid
> statements/questions like this?
> Thank you David, for helping to spread baseless rumor and innuendo.....its
> been very helpful to this community. I'm sure everyone appreciates you.
To the few of you who decided to launch a slur campaign via email to
extracting "parts of my written r.a.s. posts" lifted out of context and
suited to you contentions.....threatening to boycott or lead a boycott
organizing activity of BRD products on VROC or in other online sim
forums......."if I was not fired immediately by BRD"......I say this to
We believe this is blatant and flagrant "defamation of character" and
International laws, including the local English laws covering this
"corruption of free speech" are as strict and exact as the USA laws have
always been. We have the "email address of record" for those (few)
and the IP address of the computer they were compiled on. You will be
contacted soon about the action we may take against you. The level of
"reasonable responsibility" about what you might post or say on a
is quite different than the "reasonable responsibility" one has when
the Internet email system to send messages publicly to individuals and
public companies and corporations. Perhaps some of you were not aware
that.....you are about to get a very distasteful lesson about this fact,
would believe?
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.theuspits.com/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--