Upgrade advice?


Upgrade advice?

by PETE » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Say I had decided to upgrade my pc and I will be playing mainly GPL and
F1rs/MGP.A P450 is in my price range. So is a Voodoo2. Question is , do I
go with that , or should I go for the Celeron 300 (I think ) and the
Thriller 8mb card. Please remember some of us are not clued up on these
issues . In fact I had'nt heard of the Celeron 'till I read about it on
this newsgroup (especially the overclocking bit). I'd really appreciate the
advice before shelling out my well earnt money!
Thanks in advance, Pete.

Upgrade advice?

by MTB60 » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

after a lot of research i just ordered an abit bx6 motherboard and a celeron
300A and 128meg pc100 ram. i already have the 8 meg thriller.
i needed a new mb because i currently have a 200mmx which is a socket7 board
and pII's from 300 to 450 including the celeron are a slot1. the celeron 300A (
make sure you get the A which has a cache the plain 300 doesn't) will easily
overclock to 450 with some cooling.

Jeff Mal

Upgrade advice?

by Jeff Mal » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

the celeron does not have the on chip cache which is a must for games.
The PII450 and a BX motherboard has a 100mhz bus the 300 has only a 66mhz bus
unless you overclock it.

Everthing you ever wanted to know about hardware overclocking etc is at

> Say I had decided to upgrade my pc and I will be playing mainly GPL and
> F1rs/MGP.A P450 is in my price range. So is a Voodoo2. Question is , do I
> go with that , or should I go for the Celeron 300 (I think ) and the
> Thriller 8mb card. Please remember some of us are not clued up on these
> issues . In fact I had'nt heard of the Celeron 'till I read about it on
> this newsgroup (especially the overclocking bit). I'd really appreciate the
> advice before shelling out my well earnt money!
> Thanks in advance, Pete.

Jan Otto Ruu

Upgrade advice?

by Jan Otto Ruu » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>the celeron does not have the on chip cache which is a must for games.
>The PII450 and a BX motherboard has a 100mhz bus the 300 has only a 66mhz
>unless you overclock it.

>Everthing you ever wanted to know about hardware overclocking etc is at

Celeron 266 and Celeron 300 has no L2 cache.
Celeron 300A and Celeron 333 HAS L2 CACHE. You might be able to overclock
the 300a to 450 MHz with a BX board in which case it has performance similar
to PII 450.

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