: >
Ap> :
Ap> : Hi racers... I am trying to find out what the best racing/driving
Ap> simula : tor for the PC is right now. Both disk
Ap> : and CD/ROM game preferences would be appreciated.
Ap> : I really want to find a good, realistic simlulator...
Ap> : Thanks for your help
Ap> : -Mike
Ap> I use F1GP and ICR1 regularly - both have their good points and bad
Ap> points. However, on the whole, I'd say that ICR1 wins pretty much
Ap> hands-down. The reason? Firstly the graphics (in terms of texture etc)
Ap> is much better. The AI of the CCs is also better (this really is the
Ap> biggest let down for F1GP - it really is no fun sometimes when you're
Ap> continually getting rammed by the CCs). Having said that, you need a
Ap> higher spec PC to get a good frame rate with ICR1 than you do with
Ap> F1GP, which in terms of graphics is much simpler. The engine sound on
Ap> F1GP sounds more realistic - though I like the nerve jangling
Ap> screeching of ICR1! Things like control response are better on ICR1 as
Ap> well (particularly gear changing - it's smoother on ICR1). The good
Ap> thing about F1GP is that it is simpler to get up and running. It has
Ap> less parameters. Good, I mean, if that is what you want. I personally
Ap> like the complexity of ICR1. Of course the other good thing about F1GP
Ap> is that it is based on F1! I like Indycar, but it is nice to drive
Ap> around a circuit and then watch the race - F1GP does give you a good
Ap> feel for the basic characteristics of a circuit. Having said that, the
Ap> racing is more fun (and harder) on ICR1 - apart from the problem with
Ap> the F1GP CCs - which makes it unrealistically hard. I'm using F1GP a
Ap> lot at the moment mainly because the F1 season has started, but also
Ap> because my 486 can't hack ICR1 with a sufficient number of competitors
Ap> with full detail. When I get an upgrade I'll be back with ICR1. In
Ap> short, if you want a technical challenge and something that is going to
Ap> take a while to get used to, I'd go for ICR1. If you want a more
Ap> `arcadish' sort of game, then get F1GP.
Ap> BTW, if you've got a high enough spec PC get ICR2, it's really nice. I
Ap> suspect also that F1GP2 will be a quantum leap improvement on F1GP.
Ap> Come to think of it get both!
Ap> Alan
Ap> PS
Ap> CC = computer car
Ap> --
Ap> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ap> The views/opinions expressed here are my own and do not
Ap> in any way reflect the views/opinions of my employer.
Ap> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I agree with your reviews of those two games as I play them both.
Do you know where I can get 1996 car sets for IndyCar I.
The 1996 NASCAR sets were out after the first race and are excellent.
... Kris in Indy (Home of the Backmarker 500)
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