I always knew I could be. Now here is my problem. I bought the game used, so
I have NO documentation. (Really... I buy alot of used software... Did I
mention I suck at road racing? So I would never buy this at $40..but at
$12...well one less six of BASS ya know....)
So I look on the Codemasters site and they have a patch. But I don't know if
my version needs the patch, and I would like one of you to please tell me.
Come on people. We can carry on a 27 entry post about a 1X1 freeze frame of
an upcoming game, but can (for the love of Pete) someone please help me out
here. I'm dying. (That bump at Brand's Hatch is killing me.... how fast can
you take that turn?)
Cutting the grass at Road Race Courses all over the Sim World.
The Mocker