Did anyone watch the BBC1 Panorama documentary on Bernie Ecclestone last
I have to say I was shocked by the amount of power this guy exerts not
just on F1 but on all FIA regulated motorsport.
When someone has enough power to be able to close down entire series
when they get to compete with his own interests, you start to worry -
cancelling the German truck racing season, the GT series etc. Boy, this
is scary.
And the dodgy deals that he has worked with Max Moseley (son of Oswald
Moseley the British Nazi) seem extraordinary. And now the EU is looking
into serious breaches of fair competition law - well it seems it took
them a bit of time.
No surprises then that he wanted to charge UbiSoft 13m dollars for the
FIA licence for MGPRS2.
Apologies for writing this here, but I feel at home.