Automotive Column Topic: "Disc Brakes - More Details"

Cardogz Adm

Automotive Column Topic: "Disc Brakes - More Details"

by Cardogz Adm » Wed, 16 Sep 1998 04:00:00

This week's automotive column topic is "Disc Brakes - More
Details". The second in a series about the brake system, it can be read at

Master mechanic David Benoit does a fantastic job in writing our column,
and he is also willing to answer questions you may have about your
individual vehicle. Email webforms are provided for easy correspondence
with David on the Column page and the cardogz Email Contact page.

We hope you enjoy this community service provided by Please
tell your friends about our website, and be sure to give David a big
'thank you' for his volunteer time and service.

Robert (admin)

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