Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?


Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?

by trsi.. » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00


I just got back into the car sim scene (man what I've been missing out
on since the 'ol Indycar game).  Anyhow, being an old car buff, I
couldn't wait to get NL.  Now I'm having a *** system crash.

In particular, I can play the game for 5-10 min and then the screen
will freeze.  Yet the game seems to keep playing as I can hear the
sounds and activities still going.

Here are the details:

P3-450 (offbrand stuff)
128 Mb RAM
Monster Fusion (w/ latest driver 4.10....)
DirectX 6.1
No other apps are running but I have a NIC installed.

symptoms.  Also, Papy doesn't seem to have a patch, and I've been
lurking here for 2 days and no one else seems to have the same me thinks something is screwy on my system.

Anyhow, any input would be appreciated.



Eric T. Busc

Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?

by Eric T. Busc » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Sounds like a heat problem.  You might want try opening the case to
get some additional air flowing and see if that helps the situation.
If it does, you should probably look into adding a fan to help cool
your video card.



Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?

by trsi.. » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Ironically, I already have the case off and have played SCGT for
numerous hours (btw, what an awsome game...especially after dl'ing
stuff from gtinsider).

Anyhow, right now I'm trying to get the SIGSPAT update sw to work over
my proxy server...but that's another thing.


>Sounds like a heat problem.  You might want try opening the case to
>get some additional air flowing and see if that helps the situation.
>If it does, you should probably look into adding a fan to help cool
>your video card.


>> In particular, I can play the game for 5-10 min and then the screen
>> will freeze.  Yet the game seems to keep playing as I can hear the
>> sounds and activities still going.

Mortado Filt

Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?

by Mortado Filt » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00


>I just got back into the car sim scene (man what I've been missing out
>on since the 'ol Indycar game).  Anyhow, being an old car buff, I
>couldn't wait to get NL.  Now I'm having a *** system crash.

>In particular, I can play the game for 5-10 min and then the screen
>will freeze.  Yet the game seems to keep playing as I can hear the
>sounds and activities still going.

Try underclocking your Fusion card. Since Diamond overclocks their
Voodoo 2 boards, they might do the same to the Fusion.

Ruh Roh, problem w/ NL...any advice?

by Cib » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Try more cooling on your video card, I have a small house fan blowing
into my computer at all times and it works great, had the same problem
with GPL and it cleared right up after the fan was cooling things.



>I just got back into the car sim scene (man what I've been missing out
>on since the 'ol Indycar game).  Anyhow, being an old car buff, I
>couldn't wait to get NL.  Now I'm having a *** system crash.

>In particular, I can play the game for 5-10 min and then the screen
>will freeze.  Yet the game seems to keep playing as I can hear the
>sounds and activities still going.

>Here are the details:

>P3-450 (offbrand stuff)
>128 Mb RAM
>Monster Fusion (w/ latest driver 4.10....)
>DirectX 6.1
>No other apps are running but I have a NIC installed.

>symptoms.  Also, Papy doesn't seem to have a patch, and I've been
>lurking here for 2 days and no one else seems to have the same
> me thinks something is screwy on my system.

>Anyhow, any input would be appreciated.


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