me weave slightly. They don't hold a straight line -
they weave a half a carwidth in either direction
(some considerably more). Pretty quickly, too.
Are drivers doing this intentionally to "make their
car wide" or is this just an online effect? When
I view the replay, I see my car moving in a straight
line, as smooth as I can get with my Gravis Xterminator,
but other cars around me weave.
It affects me when I try to get under someone in a corner -
respecting their line, I might add - but I have to leave
a little extra room or else we bang.
It's hard to believe such fast lap times can be achieved
if your car is constantly weaving, even in the turns.
I would think you'd need to be very smooth to run fast
lap times - Of course I'm a backmarker so what do I know...
Race on
Doug Appleyard
"Bound to cover just a little more ground"
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