>> One-point-three is the latest ver. Yer LWFF *should* work just fine
>> w. it. What's the prob?
> VERY sensitive in straight line, unless I turn down the FF amount
> running XP SP2. Don' have a problem with Framerate (around 37).
> Clive
I have xpsp2 and have run many isi products with FF and really don't
see any slowdown. I can get over 100fps with small fields and
average around 60 to 70 with a 36 car SCC mod field.(I'm aware that
GTR will impact my system more than that, but again, FF doesn't drag
down my system) Mirrors and Huds rob more fps than any FF)
Next...there are several things to do to ANY ISI based sim to improve
the driving.
First, because you have a Logitech product, make sure you are using
NEGATIVE FF values. THere should be a checkbox to reverse the slider
percentages from positive numbers to negative number.
now the whole enchilada.
Outside the sim. Logitech Profiler...set the steering axis to near 50%.
Slightly lower if you like less twitchy near the midpoint and over 50%
if you want a quicker response near the center, but less as you turn the
wheel to full lock.
Windows Game Controllers...Adjust the FF effects to around 95% to 100%
Spring Effect STrength to about the same. as FF. Damper Slider should be
very low..0% or 1 or 2% Centering Spring should be set to off or, if
checked on, set the percentage to a very low number. Right now I use
Centering spring on but only 1%.
Now in the program.
Set the steering axis, again like the Logitech Profiler, to 50%(adjust
to feel) Set the deadzones to ZERO Set Speed Sensitivity to near
zero.(this is a damper for high speed smoothness, but setup should fix
it.) In your car's setup, you have a steering ratio number. This is the
opposite of Papyrus settings. Since about Nascar 4, Papyrus changed the
setting so that the smaller the number, the quicker the steering. So
for PAPYRUS products, 12 is great for road racing, but near
uncontrollable on a Superspeedway, For those situations, you use high
numbers to dull the steering.
But for ISI stuff(and this includs GTR) you do the opposite. Low
percentages produce slow steering and make it difficult to complete
sharp turns(like pulling out of your garage.) the ISI F1 sims often
defaulted to a value of 22% which was very twitchy at high speeds. I
have run as low as 14%, but then I have to make several turns to exit
the garage without hitting the outside pitwall. Generally around 16
to 18% works great.
For best results, always calibrate your wheel in windows and also in
your sim before each new session.(not necessary, but it can't hurt.)
dave henrie
------ Washington State Govenor Gregoire, hundreds of dead King County
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