Thanks! I've been working really *** it.
Right now the seat works with both rFactor and the upcoming ARCA stock
car sim. It also works with MS Flight Simulator 9 and FSX. I've made
headway toward support for N2003, but it's not quite there yet.
Simbin hasn't been responsive in providing support, and I haven't had
time to attempt to hack into their physics output. I've been talking
with the other big racing sim developer who will remain un-named for
now, and intend to have support for their new sim when it is released.
Wish I could report support for more titles. I think I could support
Live for Speed easily if there were demand for that. The GS-3 does
need direct support for each different software title.
Also, I'm in talks with a few people about getting a professional web
site built. The current site is built by me and MS Word :) It will
get better soon!
Thanks, and keep the questions coming.
Pat Dotson