>Today i came across this line in an article about TOCA 2 and i'd like to share
>this with you.
>"..... However, beginners should have their problems with TOCA 2. Driving
>physics is almost too elaborate (for a computer game)."
>How can something be regarded as 'too elaborate' while the absolute and pure
>goal is to be able to feel what real conditions are like ? It saddens me to
> read
>this statement and the general approach to the term 'simulator' that it
>recklessly implies.
>Greg Hellmann
i'm amazed that this mentions TOCA2 ! :) It's not the highest level of
simulation in the world- and while it's fairly easy for experienced "racers"
it's probably i would have thought easy enough at the easy driving level to
compete for begineers.
But it does raise a poitn about all driving simulations.
They have to be mass market.
I must be mad, i hear you say - but-
A simualtion has to be accessable to all skill levels and abilities. It should
cater for me, the slightly-better-than-average sim-racer, it should cater for
others who are above my level, and the ones below it.
Well, sales. If we are going to get quality products that suit our needs,
Companies are going to need to cater well across the board. Not just at the
"niches". And i'm afraid this NG is full of one such "niche". Self-titled
"***" simulation fans.
Lets compare two games:
One exclusively targetted at *** gamers- say, GPL :)
One arcade racer: NFS3
Well, aside from their relative merits, it's common knowledge that NFS3 was
the biggest selling racer of 1998 (in europe, at least) and GPL was certainly
not as successful. In reality, figures on GPL are remarkably hard to find
anywhere, collated for the European market. This is very strange in itself! :)
The only reaction i have to that is that perhaps they are rather low.
Consider the relative popularity of both these titles in this Ng.
What does this tell you?
We are not typical players. We are the minority.
I find that somewhat concerning. If titles like GPL which are pure ***
are going to come along, and not do so well, then we are in danger of not
having any subsequent titles- or the heavy simualtion will be scaled right
And that's something none of us wants.
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