net soon. He asked me to pass this information on, so with further ado here is
The Official Edo Nijmeijer FAQ
Q. Who is Edo?
If you don't know, then don't bother reading this message, you won't care.
Q. Where is Edo?
Edo is in Holland. Duh.
Q. Where is Edo *electronically*?
There was some sort of incident at his University which has resulted in a fair
number of students having their net.access suspended.
Q. What incident?
I don't know.
Q. What will happen to the Amiga Hall of Fame?
It will resume normal publication when Edo returns.
Q. When will Edo return?
Hopefully within a few weeks, but he won't know for a little while. Be patient;
Edo has to be. In the meantime he sends greetings to everybody.
Q. Is there anything I can do to help?
Not unless you have mind-altering powers, or can supply Edo with a free T1
link. (Anyone with the latter can give me one too! A link, that is.) In the
meantime, how about trying extra hard to better you F1GP/WC records?
Q. Can you think of anything else I should ask?
No, so stop asking these silly questions and get back to work.
Thanks for listening.
-- Dave "Gizmo" Gymer Telephone +44 (0)1268 534228
-- General DataComm Advanced Research Centre Ltd, Basildon, UK