reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

bryan flo

reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

by bryan flo » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

does any one know when nascar 3 is coming out
Brian Shor

reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

by Brian Shor » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I'd guess around early-mid 1999... I'm more looking forward to CART
Racing 2/IndyCar 3

Brian Short

> does any one know when nascar 3 is coming out

Blayne Phillip

reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

by Blayne Phillip » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Early 99
unless they set it back again but I'm glad they are taking time on it


does any one know when nascar 3 is coming out

Rush Lyna

reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

by Rush Lyna » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Everyone is making the assumption Papy is working on Nascar3.  I am not
revealing sources, but Nascar3 may not make to market.  In fact, just try
call Papyus and trying getting someone to talk to you.

>I'd guess around early-mid 1999... I'm more looking forward to CART
>Racing 2/IndyCar 3

>Brian Short

>> does any one know when nascar 3 is coming out

Blayne Phillip

reg. any idea when nascar3 will be out

by Blayne Phillip » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

They did the same thing with nascar 2 also


>Everyone is making the assumption Papy is working on Nascar3.  I am not
>revealing sources, but Nascar3 may not make to market.  In fact, just try
>call Papyus and trying getting someone to talk to you.

>>I'd guess around early-mid 1999... I'm more looking forward to CART
>>Racing 2/IndyCar 3

>>Brian Short

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