<Most of this liberal ***snipped>
First of all, we don't belong there. Second, as a taxpayer and a
member of the Armed Forces, I'm sick and tired of sending our troops in
harm's way for no particular reason. Why should Americans die instead of
these people? Remember, the purpose of the military is to kill people
and break things. If you send the military over there and tell them not
to kill anyone since you can't tell the friendlies from the enemies, what
purpose are they serving except to be targets?
I think the perfect solution would be to get all journalists out
of these kind of countries. We wouldn't have known the Ethiopians were
starving if it weren't for some journalist reporting about it. Once we
found out about it, we sent money that went to corporate officials, we
sent canned goods and no can openers and we sang a song. Six months
later, we went back to our lives and the people are still starving. Of
course they could solve their own problem if they would only MOVE TO
When Iraq took over Kuwait, we got to take our tanks and our smart
bombs and we got to kick some Iraqi butt. Sure, Apache pilots got to
kick some US Infantry butts, but they did some ***kicking. We shot
some rounds, freed Kuwait and got to put a patch on our right shoulders
to show we've been in contact. We had massive parades and felt like
heros when we returned. We were happy.
When we went to Somolia, we got to deliver pizzas. That's no fun.
We also lost some good men all because the liberal idiots wouldn't let us
run our own war. If they'd let the military run it, it would have been
over in two weeks and everyone would have been happy. But no, we went in
with hand***on and some didn't come back. We came back looking like
fools. We don't like that.
We went to Bosnia because our Commander in Chief liked to walk the
Halls of Power with his pants around his knees. He had fun and we had to
pay. We didn't lose anyone during the conflict, but we made a mess of
things because once again, we weren't able to do it like we'd like. Now,
the people went there to help take back their homeland won't go back
because the bombed the ***out of their homes.
Then here you come thinking you can fix it by sending us over
there. It doesn't work like that. We need a purpose and a mission
statement that says that once we complete X, Y and Z, the conflict is
over and we can go home. This liberal mission statement that goes
something like, "you can go home once they like each other" just doesn't
work. I raised my right hand and affirmed that I'd defend my country
against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I didn't agree to leave my
family and die in the place of someone in some country I've never head
of. Why should I have to die instead of them? Are they going to come
raise my son? No. Are you? Nope. Once it's over, you'll be too busy
stopping some farmer from planting corn because it disrupts the life of
the blue-footed tree moth to raise my son. If you or your neighbor were
in harm's way, I'd be the first one their to defend you.
If you really want to get the US involved, hire a *** and a
photographer and send them to the White House.
When I die, I hope they bury me at Wal-Mart so my wife will visit me