After examining the FAQ in detail, I have determined that humor of any kind
is to be considered "off-topic," as it should be obvious to all that humor
has no place in the discussion of racing simulation. Furthermore, since the
FAQ is written in English (apparently by someone whose native tongue is,
shall we say, not authorized by the State of California to be taught to
those whose most urgent need to communicate intelligently will be to ask "Do
you want fries with that?"), I have determined that all non-English posts
are to be considered "off-topic." Finally, since the majority of the
contributors to this newgroup are obviously from the U.S. of A (as evidenced
by certain propensities for "roundy-round" racing), I have determined that
all posts by non-residents of said country are to be considered "off-topic."
I believe that includes you, Bruce?
>Ooops....forgive me, please!! :o)
>The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club is located at:-