<de-lurk> Opinions on wheel requested.


<de-lurk> Opinions on wheel requested.

by Helicon_On » Sat, 27 Sep 2003 06:46:36

Hello to all at RAS. I've lurked here a while, but this is my first post. I
played F1-2002 and assorted mods to death (literally, my 2002 CD has cracked
and is now unusable), and have just bought F1C cheap in the sales (thanks
HMV). I was playing 2002 with a Saitek joystick, which to my uneducated mind
didn't seem *too* bad (you can stop laughing now), but for the new game I'm
thinking of moving up to a wheel. One of the local PC stores is stocking the
'Logic 3 Top Drive' wheel and pedals, for what seems to be a bargain price
of 17. Has anyone on this group used the wheel, and if so, what did they
think of it? Obviously, for a fairly low price, I don't really expect it to
match up to the Thrustmasters and Sidewinders of this world, but I just want
a budget wheel that does a fairly decent job. Does this wheel+pedal set fit
that description, or is there another wheel for that sort of low price range
that can do a better job?

Any opinions welcome, thanks in advance.

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<de-lurk> Opinions on wheel requested.

by Malc » Sat, 27 Sep 2003 07:43:26

For that sort of pricerange you'll get something that should give you better
idea of the kind of controller you want, but it probably won't stand up to
much punishment.

The first wheel I bought was a 20 cheapy one, the wheel started spiking &
eventually stopped working all together after about a month. The pedals
worked okay though, and I used the pedals for gas & brake with my joystick
for steering quite successfully. Eventually I built my own pedals, and
replaced my cheap joystick with a FF one and ran with that setup for years,
reaching -51.9 on GPLRank. Recently I took the final logical step & bought a
FF wheel (Momo) for 80 from PC World, and after a couple of months of
adapting to the wheel (from having used a joystick for years, a wheel feels
very different, but give it time & you'll get used to it & eventually prefer
it) I'm now pretty happy with my setup, although still not quite up to my
old speed yet.

Get the wheel, if nothing else it'll get you a set of pedals to use, that'll
really help ;-)



<de-lurk> Opinions on wheel requested.

by Jack » Sun, 28 Sep 2003 01:50:25

> > Hello to all at RAS. I've lurked here a while, but this is my first
> I
> > played F1-2002 and assorted mods to death (literally, my 2002 CD has
> cracked
> > and is now unusable), and have just bought F1C cheap in the sales
> > HMV). I was playing 2002 with a Saitek joystick, which to my uneducated
> mind
> > didn't seem *too* bad (you can stop laughing now), but for the new game
> I'm
> > thinking of moving up to a wheel. One of the local PC stores is stocking
> the
> > 'Logic 3 Top Drive' wheel and pedals, for what seems to be a bargain
> > of 17. Has anyone on this group used the wheel, and if so, what did
> > think of it? Obviously, for a fairly low price, I don't really expect it
> to
> > match up to the Thrustmasters and Sidewinders of this world, but I just
> want
> > a budget wheel that does a fairly decent job. Does this wheel+pedal set
> fit
> > that description, or is there another wheel for that sort of low price
> range
> > that can do a better job?

For the price you can get them for now, the MS Sidewinder FF wheel is a good
choice.  They are very durable.  I've used one a lot for 3 years with no
problems.  I just bought two more on eBay, one was practically new, couldn't
tell it had ever been used, for $25.  The other was new, minus the power
cord, but I didn't need that, for $15.  Grand total including shipping was
$60.  Just something to consider.


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