Hopefully a company will pick that product up and run with it..
From a pioneering company to one that falls apart; ah, how times change.
Just goes to show - merely making great games isn't enough now. Flight
Unlimited II (my PC won't run III really), System Shock 2 (*hugely*
underrated game), the Thief games - a wonderful "good game:bad game"
ratio. But people don't want to buy flawed, yet fantastic games - which
brings us - back on topic - to GPL.
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
> Looking Glass Studios is no more. I'm absolutely gutted about this. No
> more Thief games, no Ultima Underworld 3, no System shock 3.
On Thu, 25 May 2000 13:09:12 GMT, "Simon Brown"
System Shock 2 I mean...
>On Thu, 25 May 2000 13:09:12 GMT, "Simon Brown"
>>Yep, with the System Shock and Thief games, Looking Glass was to
>>first-person shooters what Papyrus is to racing games. The Thief (and SS)
>>games are sadly just about the only revolutionary FPS games since Doom,
>>everything else has just been Doom clones with better graphics.
> >What was the fun about System Shock by the way? I tried it and really
> >didn't like it. Or does it take a while before the game gets good?
> It has more interaction with the environment, a good story and
> requires puzzle solving to get through the game.
> --
> Nos
It has more interaction with the environment, a good story and
requires puzzle solving to get through the game.
It's the way it makes you think. If you want a blast-em-up, forget it - go and
get Quake or Unreal (or Half-Life, but at least that has some thought in it).
But SS2 has a *lot* of times when rushing in and opening fire is the worst
thing you can do. And it's genuinely frightening in places.
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll, really."
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
On 26 May 2000 03:24:44 GMT,
>>What was the fun about System Shock by the way? I tried it and
>>really didn't like it. Or does it take a while before the game gets
>It's the way it makes you think. If you want a blast-em-up, forget it - go and
>get Quake or Unreal (or Half-Life, but at least that has some thought in it).
>But SS2 has a *lot* of times when rushing in and opening fire is the worst
>thing you can do. And it's genuinely frightening in places.
>"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll, really."
>(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)
And It really scares the pants off you. Keep some toilet paper handy :-)