yesterday (I had to pay him through the nose though.. Just like a real
friend ;).
This sim is pretty good.
I haven't done much more then race a few laps at the practice track,
but from I have seen so far it's pretty smooth.
The "bumpiness" of the car feels great, take a corner too fast and you
end up looking at where you just came from (reminds me of GPL)
It also has a ghost car feature which is great for seeing what you did
wrong, and the ghost car actually shows up in the rear view mirror
unlike other "ghost" enabled sims I have played.
I did manage to take out my windshield last night.. Pretty wild.
Couple of questions:
When (IF) the US gets Toca 2 how much difference will there be between
the UK version and the US version?
I don't want to get good and practiced at TOCA 2 then get the US
version when it finally come out and find out it has changed a lot.
My second question, why the long wait on a US version? Is it because
TOCA is a British sport (mainly) and they don't feel it would sell
good in the US? From what I have seen of it so far it would sell like
hot cakes.
Frame rate very smooth on a P2 300 64 meg with Monster Fusion AGP.
Now onto SBK..
Ok, first of all, the only real life motorcycle I have rode was a 75cc
Dirt Bike back when I was about 16 (I'm 26 now) so I don't have a lot
of experience with motorcycle handling, but should I suck this badly?
It doesn't want to steer much at all.. I lean, lean through a curve
(Monza) but I don't seem to be steering deep enough and roll through
the grass, this is after slowing way down. Then while I am leaning I
goose the gas.. Ripppp.. Rear wheel goes shopping for a new handler
and I'm in the dirt on my ass. I know I can change the realism values
to have assisted gas and brake, but I never use the dumbed down
versions because I feel if I use a dumb downed version and get good at
it, that I will get bad habits from the easier model that will
translate into problems on the realistic model. Same way with GPL.. I
tried using the "training" cars in GPL and found that it was lying to
you about the feel of the car.... Slam on the gas in a training car,
then try it in the real car.. Big difference. Does any body understand
what i am trying to say?
Anyway, my biggest gripe with SBK is the graphics.. While beautiful I
tried running a race with 19 bikes. The frame rate went south fast
when I was near a pack of bikes. Does anyone have good graphic
settings that give you all the visual feedback you need and give good
I guess it's a lot like GPL for the learning curve, which I am glad..
I like realistic sims, I just want to hear from some experts.. Is SBK
pretty realistic for super bike handling?
Oh, one last thing.. Has Monza changed a lot since 1967? In GPL after
you Pit Out, you go down a long straight away, then turn right, right,
then left..
In SBK I encounter an S turn, then a right..
Is this how the modern Monza has changed?
The only part of Monza I recognized from GPL was the last turn and the
start/finish line straightaway.. The rest seemed totally different.
To sum up TOCA 2 and SBK.. If you like GPL you will like SBK and TOCA
2.. Toca 2 for the fun factor of racing, and SBK for the realism