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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jonny Hodgso+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 05 May 2002 04:03:34+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Guys, +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-How well do you +ACY-quot+ADs-more experienced+ACY-quot+ADs- racers do at not having mistakes +ADw-br+AD4- while racing GPL? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Having switched my attention (when I find time +ADw-br+AD4- for it) from hotlapping to racing (against the AI, until I get better +ADw-br+AD4- and/or upgrade my PC), I'm beginning to get frustrated with GPL for +ADw-br+AD4- the first time since I started driving it, a couple of years ago. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-In other motorsports (notably R/C and karts) I'm typically not +ADw-br+AD4- blindingly fast, but pretty consistent and good at avoiding other +ADw-br+AD4- people's crashes and keeping it together under pressure. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-In a five +ADw-br+AD4- minute / 15-20 lap off-road race, I'm typically disappointed if I +ADw-br+AD4- need a marshal to put the car back on its wheels more than once - +ADw-br+AD4- and that's with potholes and surface changes to cope with. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-In contrast, I've just done an Intermediate Short race at Mosport +ADw-br+AD4- (as part of a season, since I hoped this would give me an incentive +ADw-br+AD4- to keep going rather than quitting and re-starting). +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I qualified +ADw-br+AD4- it 7th, with a pretty driveable setup - then on the first lap, +ADw-br+AD4- fell off over that first blind, cresting left hander. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-In all, of +ADw-br+AD4- thir+ACoAKgAq- laps (I got lapped by the leaders), just four were under +ADw-br+AD4- 1:30 (I qualified in 1:24.65) and I'm fairly sure at least one of +ADw-br+AD4- them had a +ACY-quot+ADs-moment+ACY-quot+ADs-. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-So, what's the trick? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Admittedly some of the above was frustration +ADw-br+AD4- and attempts at overtaking back-markers which I just misjudged, +ADw-br+AD4- but it's been typical of my season so far. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Even when I feel like +ADw-br+AD4- I'm in the groove and the car's working well, I'll suddenly find +ADw-br+AD4- a wheel on the grass and I know there's no point even trying to +ADw-br+AD4- stop it spinning. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Help+ACE- :-( +ADw-br+AD4- Jonny +ADw-br+AD4- (sorry for the longer-than-intended ramblings...) +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Rob Adam+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 05 May 2002 04:28:26+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
Mosport is a +ACoAKgAq- track, and even the best drivers are more likely to have +ADw-br+AD4- a +ACY-quot+ADs-moment+ACY-quot+ADs- there. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-However, +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I am a member of a league where I am BY FAR the slowest driver in my +ADw-br+AD4- division. I qualify 12th-18th in most of our races. I tend to finish around +ADw-br+AD4- 6th or 7th though. Some of that is due to other's disconnecting, but mostly +ADw-br+AD4- it's because I have concentrated on staying on the track and not needing +ADw-br+AD4- resets. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-In my mind these are the keys: +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-1. Practice. Know the track. Know how fast you can drive without crashing. +ADw-br+AD4- Know how the car feels on heavy vs. light tanks, and on cold vs. hot tires. +ADw-br+AD4- Know how it feels in traffic. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-2. Setups: you can't be consistent and safe using hotlap setups. During the +ADw-br+AD4- week or two leading up to a race I am tweaking my setup. Not to make it +ADw-br+AD4- faster but to make it more consistent. Often I end up with a slower setup +ADw-br+AD4- but one that I can drive without crashing. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-3. Know how to recover when you do lose it. Our races are long, usually 1.5 +ADw-br+AD4- to 2 hours. In that time I'm gonna make a few mistakes. So I practice making +ADw-br+AD4- mistakes. What happens if I drop a wheel off here? Let's see. Where can I +ADw-br+AD4- spin without hitting something? Let's find out. Combined with stable setups +ADw-br+AD4- that let go predictably, this lets you make the occasional small mistake +ADw-br+AD4- without ruining a race. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-4. Attitude. Understand that the other guys are faster than you and don't go +ADw-br+AD4- over your limits trying to get by them. If they're on your +ACoAKgAq-and likely +ADw-br+AD4- to crash you, let them by. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I'm never gonna win a race in this division but that's not my goal. My goal +ADw-br+AD4- is a Shiftfree race (not counting fuel stops). +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Rob, could you describe some of the things that you do to make your +ADw-br+AD4- setups more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I have mostly been playing around with hotlap +ADw-br+AD4- setups, and other than maybe adding some understeer (which I really +ADw-br+AD4- don't feel comfortable with) I am not really sure what I would do to +ADw-br+AD4- make them more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I would appreciate your advice. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
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+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-I'm never gonna win a race in this division but that's not my goal. My goal +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-is a Shiftfree race (not counting fuel stops). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Have you done it yet?+ACY-lt+ADs-g+ACY-gt+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Eldred +ADw-br+AD4- -- +ADw-br+AD4- Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/+AH4-epickett +ADw-br+AD4- A friend of mine is involved in a fund-raiser walk-a-thon for research to cure +ADw-br+AD4- +ACoAKgAq- cancer. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-If you can, please go to my homepage and see how to make a +ADw-br+AD4- donation. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Thank you. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Remove SPAM-OFF to reply. +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-David Butter+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 05 May 2002 09:49:52+ADw-/p+AD4-
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+ACY-lt+ADs-snip+ACY-gt+ADs- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-If I knew that...+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Seriously, Mosport is one of the hardest tracks in GPL - in some ways +ADw-br+AD4- it's even harder than the Ring, as the time lost for one mistake +ADw-br+AD4- constitutes a greater percentage of your laptime. I do best there if I +ADw-br+AD4- don't try and wring the car's neck, but let it take more or less its +ADw-br+AD4- own path around the corners. Be careful at the jump near the end - if +ADw-br+AD4- you slam on the brakes in mid-air your nose will go down sharply, which +ADw-br+AD4- works fine at the Ring's Flugplatz (which has a flat exit) but probably +ADw-br+AD4- not here (which doesn't). Even with all that, it's one of my poorer +ADw-br+AD4- tracks - GPLStat tells me (might as well plug my own utils+ACE- +ACY-lt+ADs-g+ACY-gt+ADs-) that +ADw-br+AD4- it's my fourth worst, with my record (1:23.13) being 100.12+ACU- of the +ADw-br+AD4- Papy time. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Let's take the Glen as an example, as it's a track I've improved at a +ADw-br+AD4- lot recently. Why? Firstly, I've driven it a +ACo-lot+ACo-, learning where all +ADw-br+AD4- the little bumps and cambers are, which bits of dirt you can safely use +ADw-br+AD4- and which not, and - most importantly - how to get through the Esses in +ADw-br+AD4- a series of (+ACo-controlled+ACo-) slides rather than several point-and- +ADw-br+AD4- squirts. In other words, the track itself holds no surprises, which +ADw-br+AD4- allows me to concentrate on the other drivers (many of whom have this +ADw-br+AD4- idea that the Esses on lap 1 is where to overtake four cars...). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Something that's contributed a lot, too, is finding a setup I like and +ADw-br+AD4- sticking to it, so that I'm confident of exactly how hard I can push. +ADw-br+AD4- So I use Roland Ehnstr?m's excellent Ferrari setup both in qualifying +ADw-br+AD4- +ACo-and+ACo- in the race, with 20 laps worth of fuel even in practice - in an +ADw-br+AD4- Int Short race the few extra gallons don't make too much difference to +ADw-br+AD4- your qualy time - maybe a quarter of a second. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The result of doing this is that, while I used to be very happy with a +ADw-br+AD4- 1:06.5, I'm now disappointed if I don't qualify in under 1:06... and +ADw-br+AD4- because I've been using the same setup in qualifying, by race time I'm +ADw-br+AD4- warmed up enough to know I can go fast, while keeping under full +ADw-br+AD4- control. In fact, I generally circulate at around 1:06.3, which allows +ADw-br+AD4- me a little in reserve when ten-tenths is absolutely necessary. (Which +ADw-br+AD4- is another point: don't go flat out 100+ACU- of the time - you'll crash.) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Another thing is realising early that the car's getting away from you, +ADw-br+AD4- and knowing instinctively what to do. In most cases, that means lifting +ADw-br+AD4- off, but there are one or two occasions when you need to keep your foot +ADw-br+AD4- down (Malmdy at Spa can be one). Equally, opposite lock very rarely +ADw-br+AD4- leads to anything other than a spin. You +ACo-can+ACo- keep control on the +ADw-br+AD4- grass, but not if you push too hard. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-And as Rob Adams says, you need to be realistic about your own +ADw-br+AD4- abilities in relation to others. Very few of us are going to be able to +ADw-br+AD4- match Greger Huttu for speed, so there's no real point overdoing it to +ADw-br+AD4- keep him behind you. Let him past gracefully - there's always the +ADw-br+AD4- chance his engine will let go, after all. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-And lastly, though you can use Shift-R in an Int race, don't do it +ADw-br+AD4- unless you have to. It takes time, and if you've just had a minor spin +ADw-br+AD4- with little or no contact, you'll lose much less time by just rejoining +ADw-br+AD4- the track (carefully, as you can only see one car in the mirrors most +ADw-br+AD4- of the time). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-HTH. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-quot+ADs-After all, a mere thousand yards... such a harmless little knoll, +ADw-br+AD4- really+ACY-quot+ADs- - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The GPL Scrapyard: Back again+ACE- http://www.racesimcentral.net/+AH4-gplscrapyard +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Peter Ive+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 06 May 2002 05:46:31+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPgAm-gt+ADs-Rob, could you describe some of the things that you do to make your +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-setups more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I have mostly been playing around with hotlap +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-setups, and other than maybe adding some understeer (which I really +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-don't feel comfortable with) I am not really sure what I would do to +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs-make them more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I would appreciate your advice. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Dunno why but this article isn't available for so I'm replying to the +ADw-br+AD4- follow up: +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
I would disagree that you can't be consistent with hotlap setups, or at +ADw-br+AD4- least qualify that slightly. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I used to find that I could regularly d/l +ADw-br+AD4- and drive those hotlaps setups with no problem when I used a joystick. +ADw-br+AD4- In fact I could keep things on the edge without too much difficulty and, +ADw-br+AD4- if things were about to get out of shape, I was able to react quick +ADw-br+AD4- enough to get it all back together before losing it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Since I've changed to a wheel setup I have found that my consistency has +ADw-br+AD4- dropped off and I do make mistakes that I didn't used to make with a +ADw-br+AD4- joystick. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-So, it's not the setup as much as it is the ability to control the car +ADw-br+AD4- with more than one limb. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-With a joystick I only had to think about what +ADw-br+AD4- my right arm was doing, which allowed for quick alterations in car +ADw-br+AD4- control once I had realised what needed to be done to avoid a mistake. +ADw-br+AD4- With a steering wheel and pedals you've got a lot more to think about. +ADw-br+AD4- My awareness of what's happening hasn't changed, but my ability to do +ADw-br+AD4- 'the right thing' or 'things' under any particular circumstance has. +ADw-br+AD4- Now, I have to not only make the appropriate amount of steering control, +ADw-br+AD4- but I also have to make sure that I'm either braking or accelerating +ADw-br+AD4- just right - or both - in order to get the car to react consistently. +ADw-br+AD4- And, It Just Ain't As Easy+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-As a for instance, going up the inside of the AI and outbraking them +ADw-br+AD4- into Parabolica used to be a breeze with a joystick, but now I sh+ACo-t +ADw-br+AD4- bricks when doing so, or generally wait until the s/f straight instead. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Admittedly, I don't get as much 'wheel time' as I used to get joystick +ADw-br+AD4- time (I was putting in some 15 hours back then, whereas probably 3 or 4 +ADw-br+AD4- now with a wheel) and that may also have some bearing on it, and so all +ADw-br+AD4- I can suggest is 'Practise, practise and more practice' and hopefully +ADw-br+AD4- you will be able to train your body to do 'the right thing' to avoid +ADw-br+AD4- those silly mistakes. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4--- +ADw-br+AD4- Peter Ives +ADw-br+AD4- Remove ALL+AF8-STRESS before replying via email +ADw-br+AD4- If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me +ADw-br+AD4- GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77 +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Leo Landma+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p7+ACIAPg-GPL - keeping it on the black stuff+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Leo Landma+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Mon, 06 May 2002 08:40:18+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Sounds like you may not be running with 36 fps. I had that too with my old +ADw-br+AD4- system. The AI are taxing your CPU and frames may be dropped. +ADw-br+AD4- When they are, your wheel and brakes don't work for an instant - +ADw-br+AD4- enough to send you off the line. The frame counter in GPL is not very +ADw-br+AD4- reliable, it doesn't show those short hiccups. +ADw-br+AD4- Lower the graphics load (or number of AI cars) and see if that makes you +ADw-br+AD4- more consistent. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Bye, +ADw-br+AD4- Leo +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Jonny Hodgso+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p8+ACIAPg-GPL - keeping it on the black stuff+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Jonny Hodgso+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 09 May 2002 02:14:44+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Rob, could you describe some of the things that you do to make your +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- setups more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I have mostly been playing around with hotlap +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- setups, and other than maybe adding some understeer (which I really +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- don't feel comfortable with) I am not really sure what I would do to +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- make them more consistent. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I would appreciate your advice. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-Copy that. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I think I'm pretty good with setups, so that's not a +ADw-br+AD4- major issue - but if I add understeer, I tend to fall off more often+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- And lastly, though you can use Shift-R in an Int race, don't do it +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- unless you have to. It takes time, and if you've just had a minor spin +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- with little or no contact, you'll lose much less time by just rejoining +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- the track (carefully, as you can only see one car in the mirrors most +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- of the time). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I'm trying not to (though when I'm rotating gracefully in the grass +ADw-br+AD4- a million miles from the track, I often give up) but I really can't +ADw-br+AD4- handle the car once I've bent it :-( +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Ta for all the comments+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Jonny +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Rob Adam+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p9+ACIAPg-GPL - keeping it on the black stuff+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Rob Adam+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 09 May 2002 07:12:26+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
Almost all my setups are derived from older Greger Huttu Lotus setups. I +ADw-br+AD4- started that way, like many Lotus drivers, because I figured there would be +ADw-br+AD4- some magic in them that would automatically make me as fast as him. They +ADw-br+AD4- didn't, of course :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-These are the +ACY-quot+ADs-GH+ACY-quot+ADs- setups, not the +ACY-quot+ADs-GH2+ACY-quot+ADs- setups. I can't drive the GH2's. I +ADw-br+AD4- don't seem to have a link to Greger's setup files anymore but I'm sure +ADw-br+AD4- somebody will provide it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-These setups are very stable already. I just try to add grip. All I normally +ADw-br+AD4- do is fiddle with camber, tire pressure, and gearing: +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-camber: I shoot for roughly equal temps across all tires+ADs- maybe a couple of +ADw-br+AD4- degrees hotter on the inside edge. I usually have to take some camber out of +ADw-br+AD4- most Huttu setups. He is a much more aggressive driver than I am (obviously) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-pressure: same thing, equal temps. I almost always have to take a couple of +ADw-br+AD4- pounds out. This makes the car pretty sloppy for the first couple of laps +ADw-br+AD4- but it gets better once the tires are warmed up. My starts suck anyway, and +ADw-br+AD4- I just try to stay on the track for the opening laps. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-gearing: The Lotus doesn't mind low revs, and the fewer shifts you have to +ADw-br+AD4- do the less chance of a screwup. A bad downshift can lead to a spin so I try +ADw-br+AD4- to minimize the number of shifts per lap (within reason). +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-That's basically all I ever adjust - I don't have a clue what to do with +ADw-br+AD4- springs and dampers, etc. I just figure Greger did it right, and I leave it +ADw-br+AD4- alone. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I hardly ever do anything to the diff, but if the setup has some alien +ADw-br+AD4- setting I will copy the diff settings from a setup that I know I can handle. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-If I can't find a +ACY-quot+ADs-GH+ACY-quot+ADs- setup (e.g. for all the add-on tracks), I just find a +ADw-br+AD4- setup for a +ACY-quot+ADs-similar+ACY-quot+ADs- track and fiddle with gearing, camber, and pressure to +ADw-br+AD4- suit the new track. For example: +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Keimola: I use my Kyalami setup +ADw-br+AD4- Sarthe, Solitude, and others: I use my Spa setup +ADw-br+AD4- Any flat airport track: I use my Silverstone setup +ADw-br+AD4- Any hilly, off-camber track: Mosport +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Lately I've been driving the Cooper and Brabham occasionally. I just copy my +ADw-br+AD4- Lotus setup to the appropriate car, and edit the gearing to suit the +ADw-br+AD4- different rev limits, or copy it from another Cooper or Brabham setup for +ADw-br+AD4- that track. That probably offends the purists, but so far it has worked OK +ADw-br+AD4- for me. +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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