> >Subject: ICR2: Which setup isloaded?
> >Date: Sat, 08 Jun 1996 10:49:22 GMT
> >Just the newbie again with another question.
> >When I go to garage, how to I know which setup is currently loaded?
> >I'm currently trying all the tracks with various pre-defined settings
> >andwhen I return to a track I've no idea which is current. Am I mising
> >something?
> >Regards
> >-------------------------------------------------
> >Neil Charlton
> >-------------------------------------------------
> No, it isn't there. That was one of my gripes with ICR 1 and NCR. If you
> re-start the game, or just forget which setup you were testing, you have to
> SAVE the setup, EXIT the game, and COMPARE it using VIEWSTG.exe or
> something...
Nope...sorry Eldred, I'd have to disagree...I don't know what setup is the
default if you've never raced a track before, but if I go race at, say,
Michigan, having just raced at another track, it loads the last setup I
used at Michigan. I didn't realize it until I tried it. Try it, you'll
like it... :)
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel..
Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA