Expense in Multicar


Expense in Multicar

by Jo » Sun, 28 Apr 1996 04:00:00

>If the Papyrus Network charges $8/hr would you continue to call?

No, that's way to high. Worse, it would defeat the purpose of the
service since so many others would also not call.

I can't see most people paying much more than $2 an hour for this kind
of service, and even that will weed some out. Isn't that what Warbirds
costs, $2 an hour? And I even see a lot of people complaining about


Ed Marti

Expense in Multicar

by Ed Marti » Sun, 28 Apr 1996 04:00:00

> Okay, we all know LD stinks so I will not dwell on it nor will I post
> yet another question to Ed Martin "When will we have local numbers"
> Enough has been discussed on the matter, when it happens it happens.

> However, given that I would like to post my own scenrio...having checked
> my LD rates, it appears I am close to .10/minute, which translates to
> $6/hr.  In my "burst mode" which I am certain you read about earlier,
> this expense is only moderately acceptable.  Calling once or twice for
> 20minute or 40minutes is about all I will do in this beta phase.

> Here is my concern, I have heard from a source that I can't confirm nor
> dispute, the intention of an 800 number to accomplish the connection
> dilema, BUT and this is a HUGE BUT....charging $8/hr.

> Again, I am unable to confirm this, but I thought it was important
> enough to bring to the SIMCAR, IVL, NASSCAR, ex-IWCC'ers etc.  If this
> is even under the remotest consideration, I want it to be known that I
> WILL NOT call.

> I would consider this gouging on a product that we all already own.  I
> already pay $20/month for unlimited PPP/Slip access it would seem
> unreasonalble for me to pay on the order of $240/mo additionally to play
> 1 hour/day.  Considering I am on the internet 3-4 hours/day this
> estimation on cost would be correct and if I wanted to run enough races
> to get my rating high enough a low ball estimate would be $80-$160/mo.

> Again, totally unreasonable.

> I am not expecting Ed Martin to comment on this, most of the plans have
> been items he can't comment on, which is fine.  This is is more for the
> current racing series people that area doing some testing.

> If the Papyrus Network charges $8/hr would you continue to call?

Well, you didn't expect me to comment, but I will anyway.  That's just the
kinda guy I am! :-)

OK, here is some behind the scenes Papyrus info.  Yes, we did look into 800
#'s as an option to bring costs down a long while ago.  However, even with
ridiculously high volumes, 800 #'s do not come cheap.  AOL, CompuServe & any
other online service that has 800 #'s charges at least $5/hour just for the
line PLUS whatever they charge for online time.

I can not get into any specifics on what we determined the price point could
have been for 800 #'s, but I will say that we determined that it was too
expensive for where we want to be.  

As for the $8/hour that you heard, that kinda sounds like what AOL charges
for 800 #'s ($5 for the 800 # plus $3/hour for AOL itself).

Again, the goal is to deliver this as inexpensively as possible.

Ed Martin
Papyrus Design Group

Steve Sarl

Expense in Multicar

by Steve Sarl » Mon, 29 Apr 1996 04:00:00

>>If the Papyrus Network charges $8/hr would you continue to call?
>No, that's way to high. Worse, it would defeat the purpose of the
>service since so many others would also not call.
>I can't see most people paying much more than $2 an hour for this kind
>of service, and even that will weed some out. Isn't that what Warbirds
>costs, $2 an hour? And I even see a lot of people complaining about

  I agree.  I tried WB for a month with 5 hours free and then spent 5 more
hours before I had to delete my account.  The game is Fantastic and I Love
it but just can't afford $10.00 a month plus $2.00 per hour.  A reduced
hourly fee or no monthly fee would make it alot more affordable.  Shame ICI
isn't reading this :-).  I hope they finish the Beta soon and come up with
something affordable.  


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