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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p1+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
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+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Gregor Vebl+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 17 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I would be interested to know what features are actually modelled in GPL. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Aerodynamics obviously are modelled to some extent when slip streaming and +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- the tyres are modelled pretty accurately. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Can someone please provide a list of known features. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- -----------+AD0APQ- Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News +AD0APQ----------- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-http://www.racesimcentral.net/ +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- The Largest Usenet Servers in the World+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- ------+AD0APQ- Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Dedicated +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Binaries Servers +AD0APQ------ +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-I do not have any listing of this sort, but this is what I can tell from +ADw-br+AD4- the specs and personal experience. They model the car as a rigid body +ADw-br+AD4- with mass and rotational inertia, which they use to update the rotation +ADw-br+AD4- and velocity of the car based on all the torques relative to the center +ADw-br+AD4- of gravity and forces acting on it. They model the engine with all the +ADw-br+AD4- torques it exhibits on both the chassis and the wheels. It appears the +ADw-br+AD4- rotational inertia of the wheels is modelled, I am not sure about their +ADw-br+AD4- mass though, as the problem with these two is the time-step required to +ADw-br+AD4- do it accurately. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The suspension movement is modelled, but it appears that the movement is +ADw-br+AD4- only in the vertical direction with no changes of camber or scrub, so +ADw-br+AD4- probably the suspension geometry is a bit simplified. I could be wrong +ADw-br+AD4- here, though. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The aerodynamic drag is modelled, and so is slipstreaming. There appears +ADw-br+AD4- to be no aerodynamic effects with running the front of your car low and +ADw-br+AD4- the back high or the opposite (i.e. downforce and +AGA-upforce'), but then +ADw-br+AD4- again, I am not really sure. I also do not know if the drag increases at +ADw-br+AD4- high slip angles, although the increase is probably negligible with +ADw-br+AD4- respect to the drag from tyres. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The grip/traction forces are modelled really nice, with both slip angle +ADw-br+AD4- and ratio modelled. The effect of slip ratio can be seen when stepping +ADw-br+AD4- on the accelerator and the revs increase instantaneously, and then again +ADw-br+AD4- drop when the accelerator is released. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-These are mostly my observations, so I again stress that I might be +ADw-br+AD4- wrong. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Greetings, +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Gregor +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Michael Barlo+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p2+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Michael Barlo+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 17 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I would be interested to know what features are actually modelled in GPL. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Aerodynamics obviously are modelled to some extent when slip streaming and +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- the tyres are modelled pretty accurately. +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- Can someone please provide a list of known features. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- -----------+AD0APQ- Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News +AD0APQ----------- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-http://www.newsfeeds.com +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- The Largest Usenet Servers in the World+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- ------+AD0APQ- Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Dedicated +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Binaries Servers +AD0APQ------ +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- I don't remember where I read it, but there was a list someplace. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-The +ADw-br+AD4- article I read described that they started with a rigid body. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-The suspension arms are connected to the body and can move up and down +ADw-br+AD4- relative to the body on one end and are attached to the body on the +ADw-br+AD4- other. +ADw-br+AD4- The king pins are connected to those arms and can turn left/right. +ADw-br+AD4- The tires are mounted on the kingpin axles and can rotate.. ect...ect.. +ADw-br+AD4- ect +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- I would take a guess that that article is what you are looking for but +ADw-br+AD4- I don't remember where it is. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-With luck, someone will know what i'm +ADw-br+AD4- talking about and send the link+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p3+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg2+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Edwin Solhei+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p3+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Edwin Solhei+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Thu, 17 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-Maybe this will be of help? : +ADw-br+AD4- http://home.c2i.net/thepaddock/archives/exclusive.htm +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I know it's +ACY-nbsp+ADs-old etc., but atleast it will give you a little idea of the +ADw-br+AD4- complexity of the physics engine. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-ed+AF8- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- I don't remember where I read it, but there was a list someplace. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-The +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- article I read described that they started with a rigid body. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
+ADw-div id+AD0AIg-p4+ACI- class+AD0AIg-post has-profile bg1+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Stephen Colbourn+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p4+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Stephen Colbourn+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Fri, 18 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPg-I would be interested to know what features are actually modelled in GPL. +ADw-br+AD4- Aerodynamics obviously are modelled to some extent when slip streaming and +ADw-br+AD4- the tyres are modelled pretty accurately. +ADw-br+AD4- Can someone please provide a list of known features. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- -----------+AD0APQ- Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News +AD0APQ----------- +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-http://www.newsfeeds.com +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- The Largest Usenet Servers in the World+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- ------+AD0APQ- Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Dedicated +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Binaries Servers +AD0APQ------ +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Phil Flac+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p5+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Phil Flac+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sat, 19 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
Don't drive F3 :) +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I thought it was proved to be unmodelled - hence the +ADw-br+AD4- +-max values being used in everyone's setups? +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
Well, there's lots of little problems - e.g. warping into places and +ADw-br+AD4- getting thrown skyward. +ADw-br+AD4- Also, from what I've seen, the cars are very simple boxes for collisions +ADw-br+AD4- - 4 wheel boxes +ACY-amp+ADs- a chassis box. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Not highly detailed :) +ACY-nbsp+ADs- You can drive +ADw-br+AD4- into the end of a thin wall, for example, and the car will drive through +ADw-br+AD4- as if it weren't there... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-
16rpm is the limit, or is it 8? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-No I'm not obsessed with detail+ACE- +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-I guess I could also have mentioned the two things that are really +ADw-br+AD4- bugging me about GPL: +ADw-br+AD4- No depth/z buffer :-( +ADw-br+AD4- No curved track cross-sections (i.e. banking is rubbish) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Oh, and the physics of flight are a bit weird... +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Roll on GPL2 :) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Phil +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-(grooooovy) +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Rafe McAulif+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p6+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Rafe McAulif+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 20 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4-
I think you'll find that Phil means that almost all hotlappers use +ADw-br+AD4- -0.500 toe out at the front, but that the difference in rolling +ADw-br+AD4- resistance and top speed is not modelled. (At least it seems to be the +ADw-br+AD4- case - try Talladega.) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4-Rafe Mc +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-avatar-container+ACIAPgA8-/div+AD4-Michael Barlo+ADw-/dt+AD4-
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+ADw-h3 class+AD0AIg-first+ACIAPgA8-a href+AD0AIgAj-p7+ACIAPg-What physics are actually simulated in GPL.+ADw-/a+AD4APA-/h3+AD4-
+ADw-p class+AD0AIg-author+ACIAPg-
+ADw-span class+AD0AIg-responsive-hide+ACIAPg-by +ADw-strong+AD4-Michael Barlo+ADw-/strong+AD4- +ACY-raquo+ADs- +ADw-/span+AD4-Sun, 20 Feb 2000 04:00:00+ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-content+ACIAPgA8-p+AD4APA-div class+AD0AIg-gQuote+ACIAPg-
+ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +-max? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-what are you talking about? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-do you mean the 1 lb increments in +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-the roll bars and springs? +ACY-nbsp+ADs-That's an add-on application developed long +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- +ACY-gt+ADs-ago. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-many people use it. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- I think you'll find that Phil means that almost all hotlappers use +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- -0.500 toe out at the front, but that the difference in rolling +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- resistance and top speed is not modelled. (At least it seems to be the +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-gt+ADs- case - try Talladega.) +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-gt+ADs- Rafe Mc +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- You are absolutely correct+ACE- +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I've tested this some time ago to see if +ADw-br+AD4- there was a difference. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-There are none except that you can alter your +ADw-br+AD4- turns with a quicker or less quick(?) turn in, or mid turn, or exit, +ADw-br+AD4- with adjusting toe. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-There is also strait line wobble that toe can help +ADw-br+AD4- with. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-There is just no difference in top speed or differences in +ADw-br+AD4- acceleration to that speed (time or distance). +ADw-br+AD4- -------------- +ADw-br+AD4- Fuel: +ADw-br+AD4- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- I also tried Fuel mileage.. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Tire pressures are modeled in that the +ADw-br+AD4- higher the tire pressure, the better mileage you get. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-This ranged from +ADw-br+AD4- 0 (lowest pressure) to an added 3/4ths to a full lap (highest pressure) +ADw-br+AD4- at Dega in the F3. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- Distance traveled (of course) was modeled. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-Ran up high and then down +ADw-br+AD4- low. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I ran out of fuel down low about a lap to a 1 1/4 after the high. +ADw-br+AD4- err.. I traveled less distance down low and there for lasted longer then +ADw-br+AD4- the longer distance of running high. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- I also did a drafting fuel mileage test. I followed the drawn race line +ADw-br+AD4- and ran out of fuel at X point on X lap. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I had someone draft me as +ADw-br+AD4- close as they could and followed that same line. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-It only gave me just +ADw-br+AD4- under a 1/4 lap more. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-I did the same but followed and gained a little +ADw-br+AD4- more then 3/4 lap more from when I was alone. +ADw-br+AD4- +ADw-p+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- +ACY-nbsp+ADs- I still have to run the (alone) test at half throttle to see how far +ADw-br+AD4- that gets me. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-If I go considerably further, say 2 laps, then fuel +ADw-br+AD4- mileage is only dictated by tire pressure, distance, and throttle +ADw-br+AD4- position. +ACY-nbsp+ADs-This test would decide if drafting make a difference or not. +ADw-br+AD4APA-/div+AD4-
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